Dear Chapel Family,
2020 was a long and difficult year. So, when the clock struck midnight on Jan 31 most of us were more than ready to turn the page on the past. Unfortunately, with the pandemic raging, civil unrest dividing and even our beloved Steelers choking, 2021 has yet to inspire hope in our nation. Thankfully, our hope is NOT in medical breakthroughs nor political revolutions nor Lombardi trophies. Our hope is in Jesus Christ.
One of the strategies Satan uses to beat us down is ISOLATION. One of the tools God uses to lift us up is COMING TOGETHER. The biggest challenge our leadership team faced in 2020 is trying to balance the ever-present danger of COVID19 with genuine need for God’s people to come together. We’ve discussed, we’ve prayed, we’ve consulted, and honestly, we have done our very best to lead the Chapel through this crisis with courage & grace.
Thanks to the innovative leadership of our tech team and the flexibility of our worship team we have been able to LIVESTREAM worship every week including Easter & Christmas Eve. Thanks to the faithful giving of our membership, we have been able to meet every financial obligation, support all our missionaries AND bless those in need throughout this pandemic. I am truly humbled by your unwavering support.
THIS SUNDAY, JANUARY 17 @ 10AM we plan to reopen our doors for public worship. We recognize the risk, so we are urging EVERYONE 3-years old and up to wear a mask and remain vigilant regarding social distancing (staggered seating, no handshakes, no hugs, etc…). If you have a cough or are not feeling well, please stay home and participate via LIVESTREAM. Preschool & Elementary classrooms with be open during worship and youth group will resume on Sunday nights (students and teachers will wear masks).
Please pray for healing for those who are sick, safety for those at risk, unity among our church family, and most importantly that all people everywhere might find their hope in Jesus Christ. I am looking forward to seeing YOU this Sunday!
Pastor David Robinson
The Chapel at Mercer
2020 was a long and difficult year. So, when the clock struck midnight on Jan 31 most of us were more than ready to turn the page on the past. Unfortunately, with the pandemic raging, civil unrest dividing and even our beloved Steelers choking, 2021 has yet to inspire hope in our nation. Thankfully, our hope is NOT in medical breakthroughs nor political revolutions nor Lombardi trophies. Our hope is in Jesus Christ.
One of the strategies Satan uses to beat us down is ISOLATION. One of the tools God uses to lift us up is COMING TOGETHER. The biggest challenge our leadership team faced in 2020 is trying to balance the ever-present danger of COVID19 with genuine need for God’s people to come together. We’ve discussed, we’ve prayed, we’ve consulted, and honestly, we have done our very best to lead the Chapel through this crisis with courage & grace.
Thanks to the innovative leadership of our tech team and the flexibility of our worship team we have been able to LIVESTREAM worship every week including Easter & Christmas Eve. Thanks to the faithful giving of our membership, we have been able to meet every financial obligation, support all our missionaries AND bless those in need throughout this pandemic. I am truly humbled by your unwavering support.
THIS SUNDAY, JANUARY 17 @ 10AM we plan to reopen our doors for public worship. We recognize the risk, so we are urging EVERYONE 3-years old and up to wear a mask and remain vigilant regarding social distancing (staggered seating, no handshakes, no hugs, etc…). If you have a cough or are not feeling well, please stay home and participate via LIVESTREAM. Preschool & Elementary classrooms with be open during worship and youth group will resume on Sunday nights (students and teachers will wear masks).
Please pray for healing for those who are sick, safety for those at risk, unity among our church family, and most importantly that all people everywhere might find their hope in Jesus Christ. I am looking forward to seeing YOU this Sunday!
Pastor David Robinson
The Chapel at Mercer